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OE Aventador parts

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Wow it sounds like a miss understanding between 01lambrio and Adrian. I can’t take sides but maybe you should let things go and try to work things out between the two of you in a pm. I am a very honest person myself and if it were me I would try to work it out. Good luck to you both.  ::beers

I STILL have all of the text messages AND the receipts for the plane tickets.

And anyone who knows me or has done any business with me knows that I have NO reason to lie about anything, and this is the reason why I use my REAL name in ALL of my business dealings, because I have NOTHING to hide. You never asked me about any parts that I have, or where I got them from.  For the record I got copies of doors from Mike B, but they weren't the best, nor were they complete, they were only the inner panels.  Additionally, I don't now nor did I have any molds for anything of yours, because I don't now nor did I ever have any molds for anything. 

You and I agreed that in 2 weeks because I was going to purchase the tickets based on our conversation I would come out to you and pick up the doors that YOU OFFERED to build for me, I called you at least a dozen times to confirm and to arrange a time to pick them up as WE agreed.  I will copy a bit from our conversations to "refresh your  memory" if you would like, as an engineer I have been taught to keep records of everything so I can post them all if you would like

??? First off, are you Steve Curtis?  The inserted quote is incorrect in that it is not from Adrian Burton.  Secondly: Your response to AB does not reflect the man that I know and have befriended.  Sometimes misunderstandings lead to bad relationships.  Try to work it out with a PM rather than a long post.



--- Quote from: wayne on January 13, 2018, 02:27:08 AM --- Very nice project you are working on there rodartneva. Let me know if you are interested, I have been buying some parts but haven’t been able time get into the garage lately because of the cold weather (in ready for spring). I am currently making payments on an OE rear frame and have already purchased the rear diffuser, engine cross brace, rear spoiler assembly with motor, front and rear air scoops, hood inserts (by the windshield, rear wing light and left rear tail light. I’m hoping to be able to get my chassis together in 2018.

--- End quote ---

Adrian why dint you stoo lying because I never screwed you, I never took a dime from you and as a matter of fact I never set up anything with you. You said you were in Cali on business all the time and would be x coming out a couple times that month and i said I wasn't sure if I could even make anything becaue I had just moved. Two days later I contacted you and told you I wouldn't be making door for you and you knew why and that was the end if it. You lied to me though about knowing where you got my bumper and door jams which you pulled molds from and doing more research turned up that my parts in your hands will get copied and i had no obligation to you whatsoever so quit lying telling people you bough a plane ticket to come see me and pick up doors because that is an Outright Lie and you know it I know it and everyone else you are lying to also knows it. You know the truth and if you continue saying otherwise I felt I better let everyone know that Adrian Burton is being very dishonest and i also don't take kindly to guys copying my parts. You also told me Mike screwed you on doors as well but that to is. Lie because you never paid for doors. You get and you got what you paid for. Don't make it look like you got a plane ticket to come see me because you didn't.  You do business in Cali a couple times a month and would stoo by on one of your business trips but DO Not make it look like I would have someone pay for plane fare and doors and rip them off. Tell the truth Adrian because I don't have time to come here and defend myself when a person lies and for whT reason other than your mad that you couldn't copy more of my parts. Seriously it's 'll writhe. Here you lied and are making me look BAD based on and outright lie. ADRIAN BURTON YOU MY FRIEND ARE A LIAR. I NEVER ACCEPTED MONEY FROM YOU AND YOU NEVER HAD A FINALIZED ORDER WITH ME AND YOU BUYING A TICKET TO SEE ME IS deceptive at best because you were going to be in Cali a couple time that Both on business and i told you I didn't even know if I had 'll my molds with me because I just moved and wasn't even setup. Gosh the more I think about how you came here Nd outright lied the more I feel I should TAKE legal action against you for making me look like a dishonest businessman which I am not but you are a liar that is for sure

ahhh yes steve curtis pops up again, he screwed me over on a set of diablo doors


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