Author Topic: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador  (Read 9111 times)


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2014, 11:01:04 PM »
Someone made a dashcommand skin for the aventador



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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2014, 04:23:32 PM »
The idea was just to throw into the air seeing how many people are only making molds off of video game models, eyeballing it, etc.  For all you know they could've made it off the measurements of a toy car and just multiplied it to size.

Actually, a lot of "toy" cars are more accurate than these video game models people are using. Many of these scale models were based on the original Lamborghini 3D models and some are made from scanned cars. I would personally rather 3D scan a good scale model than use a video game model. At least you could get OEM parts and glass to fit.

Good point and I don't doubt that at all.  There's one model in particular that's claimed to be 100% accurate down to the interior.  But it also holds the title as the most expensive model in the world.  Forgot the scale but it was one big ol expensive gold Aventador, lined with jewels on the interior to make it look super tacky hahaha


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2014, 10:57:41 AM »
The idea was just to throw into the air seeing how many people are only making molds off of video game models, eyeballing it, etc.  For all you know they could've made it off the measurements of a toy car and just multiplied it to size.

Actually, a lot of "toy" cars are more accurate than these video game models people are using. Many of these scale models were based on the original Lamborghini 3D models and some are made from scanned cars. I would personally rather 3D scan a good scale model than use a video game model. At least you could get OEM parts and glass to fit.
If I don't have time to do it right, when will I have time to do it over?


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2014, 07:18:18 AM »
Xyberz, people take a very dim view of anyone coming onto the forum and soliciting funds , whether its termed as crowd funding or anythjng else

Especially considering you have never owned or built a kit car ,and  have never posted any type of project you've built to completion of any kind whatsoever , no one here would help crowd fund a penny

Totally understandable and I'm not coming here to ask anyone to fund anything, if I haven't already made that crystal clear.  I'm here to share anything I can share and learn.  I hope I've cleared that up and we can move on.  I'm sure that I can more than gain enough interest in other markets for my product thru not only word of mouth but thru articles in places like magazines or hopefully even TV shows.  Then if and when it's in actual production anyone here can decide whether or not they want to purchase it like any other product you can buy at any other store. 

So, as long as anyone else don't have any more remarks about not funding anything and get back to the actual subject on the thread, lets get this thread moving forward.  I'll post any updates I get once the weekend is over as it seems people do take days off during their week from work and I haven't heard any news from Nvidia.   ;)


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2014, 06:17:16 AM »
Xyberz, people take a very dim view of anyone coming onto the forum and soliciting funds , whether its termed as crowd funding or anythjng else

Especially considering you have never owned or built a kit car ,and  have never posted any type of project you've built to completion of any kind whatsoever , no one here would help crowd fund a penny


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2014, 12:52:47 AM »
   I will concede my poor search abilities, I only looked at the first three pages and that probably did not go back to 2009. That now makes at least 27 forums and yet somehow I am the one that is obsessed and without a life. I also concede that I thought you were organizing the Aventador rental. It was your words like serious about it and we are at it that threw me. You are welcome on this forum but you must realize that the temperature of your reception is greatly based on how much sense you make once you are here. I would have thought that you would have recognized this fact at least 26 times by now. Statements like no 3-D models of guesstamates do not help this. Why would you make a 3-D copy of an existing imperfection? How could you even make a model of a guesstamate? But in the interest of deflating my ego and no God trip, I will not say another word about any of this. Please pursue the crowdfunding of your $1,000 dashboard prototype, but please do not ask us to also crowdfund your SEMA booth.

My true apologies if I come off as a jerk as I got kinda offended as I'm only here as a member of the community and not here to solicit any type of donation from anyone.  My intention is only to learn and to help if and when I can.  Clearly the ideas of forums is to share information with one another and hence the reason why I'm a part of so many different forums throughout the years.  I, as probably most others here are, am a born DIY person and prefer to always take the opportunity to save money and also for the learning experience to figure it out and do it myself.  I always tell all my friends, that if there is an instruction manual, equipment, and tools could build a rocket without ever stepping foot into a classroom. 

When I do release my crowd funding posting, I won't be begging anyone for anything.  If anyone sees what they like and want to participate then so be it.  Just like any other crowd funding project that has ever and still goes on today.  No one holds a gun to anyone's head.  At least with a crowd funding site, they require your personal information so should you decide to take the money and run, there's a real person that can be pursued and prosecuted easily.  Obviously I'm not looking to go to jail for something so stupid.  Plus it'll be under my company's name, not just a personal project in which I only wish to make one device for only myself.  This would be a full blown business movement with a business office, real address, number, etc in order to be authentic rather than just some smokescreen company. 

But at this time it's still not even off the ground yet as I'm in contact with the manufacturer anyway to work out all the kinks.  So unless if they're able to say it's possible, then I won't be moving along with anything and sadly the wonderful idea may just die like so many ideas do unfortunately.  This doesn't mean that as of now, it's not worth pursuing since it's not available anywhere.  As one person posted, "there's no need to reinvent the wheel".  I don't plan to, at least with this concept anyway. 

Also with any other person pursing and actually trying to build a kit, replica, or even parts, I'll be posting updates with real pictures and what not to show that it's not just a talk thing if this continues to move forward.  Obviously you can't gain any interest in anything with just words.  And like I said, I won't be asking any members for any funds both in public or private.  Input would be great as this is the reason why I'm here, for support as just about everyone else is.

So please, if there's anything you'd like to know about me or my project I'm pursuing please feel free to ask.  I just hope that there can be some respect in speaking to one another rather than coming off like sergeant hard @ss.  If so then you can only expect my response to not be so nice or light in manner.  Probably just like you, I'm not here to take anyone's B.S. so if you don't fling it, then I won't either. 


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2014, 11:31:34 PM »
   I will concede my poor search abilities, I only looked at the first three pages and that probably did not go back to 2009. That now makes at least 27 forums and yet somehow I am the one that is obsessed and without a life. I also concede that I thought you were organizing the Aventador rental. It was your words like serious about it and we are at it that threw me. You are welcome on this forum but you must realize that the temperature of your reception is greatly based on how much sense you make once you are here. I would have thought that you would have recognized this fact at least 26 times by now. Statements like no 3-D models of guesstamates do not help this. Why would you make a 3-D copy of an existing imperfection? How could you even make a model of a guesstamate? But in the interest of deflating my ego and no God trip, I will not say another word about any of this. Please pursue the crowdfunding of your $1,000 dashboard prototype, but please do not ask us to also crowdfund your SEMA booth. 


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2014, 08:44:46 PM »
Here's a direct link to Extreme:

This is from 2009 and started by me and there are many others there.  Also it seems that Mad Mechanics was "The Kit Car" forum many years back because the links in my email from 2008 just takes me directly to the front page of Mad Mechanics only and no longer back to the thread the email was referring to.  Seems like they flushed out the old threads when whomever took over or decided to just start over as Mad Mechanics.  Yes, I've been in and out of the scene an it wasn't my every single day obsession where I'm on it 24/7.  I have a life and other interests and you 76mx MUST'VE seen that I've been in other automotive related forums as I DID indicate already proving that I'm not lying.

Seriously, would you like my blood type, SS#, DL# to prove that I'm not here as a crook but a supporting member of the community??? 


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2014, 08:25:44 PM »
   I too had the same questions as Digibeam, so I took your info provided and did a quick check. I found that you were on at least 25 forums (that is where I stopped counting), and your posts ranged from requesting advice on how to build a chicken coop to offering advice on pro football, but my one minute search found nothing on kitcars.
   You are on this thread suggesting a group funding to build a dash prototype and another thread trying to organize a group Aventador rental. Here is a humble suggestion. Since there is not a chance in the world that it would happen anyway, take your share of the $38,500 plus tax plus insurance plus misc. plus travel plus splash Aventador project and use it to fund the prototype of your $1,000 retail dashboard. The fringe benefit is that you are no longer trying to herd us cats on either thread.

Wow, thanks for the warm welcome.  I was just suggesting it, not saying this is something I'm looking to do immediately.  It seems like a good idea that eventually if enough people decided to do would be better than taking 3D design models from people's "estimates" of the actual vehicle.  Also I didn't inform this is something that only "I" should start.  This would be a good idea for ANYONE that also thinks this would be a good idea to do.  The idea was just to throw into the air seeing how many people are only making molds off of video game models, eyeballing it, etc.  For all you know they could've made it off the measurements of a toy car and just multiplied it to size. 

If people such as yourself was as welcoming to forums, it'd be a barren desert. 

Plus your searching skills are horrendous because I've been part of The Kit Cars (which is Mad Mechanics) and Extreme forums since at least 2008 because I searched my emails and found reply emails I've gotten to my threads. 

Oh I'm sorry, did the screenshot dating from 2008 not prove that I've been around? 

Before you go around waving your big old ego all over the place making like your're the kit car "God" take a look around you and see what kind of an example you are.  Is this YOUR little "click" website?  If so then I can take my ideas and support elsewhere.  It won't be the end of the world if I don't post on "lamboclone".

P.S. Don't ask me why this picture is resized so darn small on the thread.  It's full screen on my computer and I'd be more that HAPPY to send it to anyone who believes I need to "prove" myself to be part of the club.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 08:30:01 PM by Xyberz »


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2014, 11:31:28 AM »
   I too had the same questions as Digibeam, so I took your info provided and did a quick check. I found that you were on at least 25 forums (that is where I stopped counting), and your posts ranged from requesting advice on how to build a chicken coop to offering advice on pro football, but my one minute search found nothing on kitcars.
   You are on this thread suggesting a group funding to build a dash prototype and another thread trying to organize a group Aventador rental. Here is a humble suggestion. Since there is not a chance in the world that it would happen anyway, take your share of the $38,500 plus tax plus insurance plus misc. plus travel plus splash Aventador project and use it to fund the prototype of your $1,000 retail dashboard. The fringe benefit is that you are no longer trying to herd us cats on either thread.


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2014, 10:46:31 PM »
why do i feel like i am watching an Infomercial? ::K JK

i enjoy your enthusiasm... but i feel that its on a single plane rather than open concept...
what part of HI are you in?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 10:48:08 PM by Digibeam »


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2014, 10:26:05 PM »
some of those programs can be already use.. have u seen a program called centrafuse??
it allows u to connect ure smartphone to the car and do everything tru it.. also dashcommand for iphone or tablets. same thing..
i use a pc cus it is faster.. my start up time is in less than 5 secs and it doesnt consume battery if the car is off.

It would be really cool if you can do it all on ure own with ure own program specially if u can customize it like u said.. cus on all these programs the design is a pain in the butt..
i am not trying to downplay you all i am saying is why try to reinvent the wheel.. there are a few programs out there that work really good and have really good apps for automotive industry.

Yep, I've followed Centrafuse ever since they came out.  It's really tailored toward a multimedia CarPC crowd.  A little different than what I'd like to achieve.  Plus Nvidia has already come out with their own software and hardware so there's really no "reinventing" the wheel, well at least I didn't have too thankfully.  It's just kinda slapping it all together with a little customizing here and there in order to make it easier for an end user to use.  The nice thing with NVidia making the hardware, the graphics will be top notch. 

Plus this will be more attractive to custom car makers than thinking of having a full blown computer in their vehicles.  It'd be nice to be able to just get a pre-packaged unit right from a vendor and a few clicks here and there along with a couple of simple connections and they're ready to go.  Of course this would have to be fabricated into the dashboard and replace the gauges but that shouldn't be anything new the end user of such a product would have any issues doing. 

Also this unit is already capable of displaying just about everything and anything that comes out of a vehicle's computer.  Right now I'm looking at 2 units, 1 lower end model with the basics of what a vehicle needs in order to just operate the vehicle, and the 2nd would be a high end fully customizable unit like you would see on the Nissan GTR.  LCD instrument panel displaying the stuff you need in front of your face while driving and a second center dash LCD display to show all the other wonderful stuff like HP, lateral G's, boost, etc.

Kinda excited about this unit coming out.  Looking forward to having a working prototype come out soon.  It shouldn't be extremely difficult or extremely time consuming considering this is actually already being done everyday with high end vehicles that incorporate this exact technology, but this will be available for all to have, not just the rich.


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2014, 07:36:43 PM »
some of those programs can be already use.. have u seen a program called centrafuse??
it allows u to connect ure smartphone to the car and do everything tru it.. also dashcommand for iphone or tablets. same thing..
i use a pc cus it is faster.. my start up time is in less than 5 secs and it doesnt consume battery if the car is off.

It would be really cool if you can do it all on ure own with ure own program specially if u can customize it like u said.. cus on all these programs the design is a pain in the butt..
i am not trying to downplay you all i am saying is why try to reinvent the wheel.. there are a few programs out there that work really good and have really good apps for automotive industry. 


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2014, 07:21:54 PM »
I don't think this is new. I have one my self that I design that replicates the reventon. This project is really simple and also usmc butler has done it.
It can be done for maybe 500 or less with basic design.
It is really not hard to do at all if any one really wants one right now I can do it for any one. I can easily make an aventador one with no problem.

You are correct and I've been following builds for years now in regards to a basic LCD instrument panel.  But I'm talking about one that are actually almost 100% identical, at least in working aspects, as the ones as you would find in an Aventador, Tesla, Bently, etc.  The gauge animations I've seen on homemade ones are okay at best because the hardware wasn't meant for it.  It's pretty much a CarPC attached to a LCD screen and hooked up to the car's computer.  Also our system will allow easy customization for the end user so they won't have a huge learning curve to design their own gauges and incorporate what information they deem necessary for their unique application.

The end result of what I'm looking for in the custom market is this:

Boot times of the system is less than 1-2 seconds, rather than about 30 seconds with a PC and reaction times of the guages in HI-Def will be in the milliseconds where you'll notice no lag.  That is the goal off course.

That is only 1 video of what we're looking to achieve for the custom market.  There are many others that incorporate NVidia's hardware.  That will be the heart and soul of the system.

Don't mean to disrespect what you've done or anything.  It's more of a CarPC tailored to work for a vehicle.  The end product I'd like to come up would be made specifically for vehicles.  The power consumption would be only a super small fraction of what a CarPC uses also so it could stay in your vehicle and not drain your battery as heavily or anywhere near as quickly. 


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Re: possible new instrument cluster for the anvetador
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2014, 07:03:26 PM »
I don't think this is new. I have one my self that I design that replicates the reventon. This project is really simple and also usmc butler has done it.
It can be done for maybe 500 or less with basic design.
It is really not hard to do at all if any one really wants one right now I can do it for any one. I can easily make an aventador one with no problem.