Author Topic: Car appraisials  (Read 2468 times)


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Re: Car appraisials
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2013, 11:38:49 PM »
I think i'll go with these guys.............


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Re: Car appraisials
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2013, 11:22:36 PM »
Yup, thats included in the Comprehensive part!


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Re: Car appraisials
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2013, 11:16:29 PM »
Flood damage ::headbang


Peanut butter in your shifter??  Fingernail polish on your speedometer??  Marbles in your heater fan??
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 11:37:17 PM by 01Lambiero »
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Re: Car appraisials
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2013, 11:06:48 PM »
I have State Farm insurance, and the car is insured as a classic for $85K. Its also listed as limited use (less than 1000 miles per year), and a clause that if the car is considered a "total loss", I get to retain posession of it as well as recieving a check for $84K (I have a 1K deductible).
I dont think i'll have a problem having it appraised at 85K, Especially with all the OEM parts the car has.
My insurance agent didn't even blink an eye when I told them the amount it was worth, especially when they saw it in person. I was concerned that if someone else hit the car, that their insurance would only pay me bluebook on an '86 Fiero. My agent assured me that could not happen, since I pay coverage on it for $85K. The other insurance would have to pay the value that its insured for, the value its appraised at. I have full coverage on the car (Comp, Collision, Liability, Uninsured motorist) and the 6 month premium is $181.00
I just worry that i'm forgetting something lol.


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Re: Car appraisials
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2013, 01:47:15 PM »
A dealer appraisal that would be accepted by a bank for lending purposes is typically not valid for insurance purposes . 

And if you expect a third party insurer to pay your damages instead of your own insurer , such as in a loss that's someone else's fault , only an appraiser willing to testify in court will be sufficient

Remember an insurer only pays ACV (actual cash value) which , if your kit is insured as a 1985 fiero, will be about $1000 unless you have also paid for and purchased additional coverage . The best way to do this is to have "agreed value" insurance coverage through a speciality collector insurer


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Re: Car appraisials
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2013, 12:58:12 PM »
OK thanks Chris! I upgraded my insurance on my lambo, so my insurance suggested I have the car appraised for the new amount so theres no problems in the case of an accident or theft.
I took the car in the other day to the insurance for them to take pictures, and they shot every square inch of the car lol. I just wanna be sure that if something happens, theres no loopholes for them to get out of paying.

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Re: Car appraisials
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 05:43:39 AM »

I was told once that any reputable auto dealership (new or used) could be used to prepare an appraisal that would be accepted by most banks.  Around here, this service is typically $50 or less and the person doing the appraisal will darn near write how ever many zeros you want in the blanks as long as he's not expected to purchase the car for that amount.   ::toothy



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Car appraisials
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2013, 01:50:39 AM »
Does anybody know who does car appraisials for kitcars?