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2017 Carlisle Big Replica Car Turn Out!

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The shame (if there is one) comes with having to cover (all of the time and effort, blood, sweat, & tears, that we put into a build) with the beautiful top coat of one of the most beautiful cars ever produced.  The finished project is a masterpiece that cannot be mirrored by any other "kitcar" period.  At present, I am slowed down by "build depression" (the unseen enemy of such a hobby that hinders our completion).  Maybe it has something to due to age (73) but when you fall off of a horse....get up and jump into the saddle again.  Maybe this will be a good summer for me.  We have yet to see one of the many Murcies at the Carlisle Show.  The Murcies have been the main Lamboclone topic for the last five years or so.  Hope to see some examples next year in Carlisle.  Come and get your shot of adrenalin to stay on your "horse".

01 Jim

I'd like to reinforce what Ron (RT) said.  Actually, his tag at the bottom of his posts says it all.  You really need to have a desire to BUILD, not just own.  If you enjoy creating and building and you take pride and pleasure in accomplishing something few can do, then this might be for you.  If you just want to look "cool" and want to do it on the cheap, then look somewhere else.

It was many, many years ago that I brought my in-progress Diablo to the Carlisle show.  Most people would see a finished car and get stars in their eyes thinking it would be so much fun and easy to build one of these beauties in a few weeks.  I figured people needed to see what really goes into a build.  Even the first time I brought my car it was constantly "examined" by a lot of people.  I thoroughly encourage those in the process of building to show them off!  It can only help people realize these are not toys that can be assembled at home with little effort.  We builders are a rare group of talented individuals with enormous skill sets and a desire to create.  We basically are building street rods that happen to look like a Lamborghini.  The dedication to making it a true replica adds to the complexity.  ANYONE who completes one of these deserves their spot on the list of 3%-ers.
The online trolls who don't get it and want to only draw a reaction from us by bashing what we do should die a slow death.
I saw one such idiot at 88.5countach youtube channel who insisted on belittling my build by calling me stupid for building what I could buy.  He obviously didn't get it or just wanted to raise our ire.  We all know why we do this and it is not because we just want to buy  Lamborghini.  We are driven to make a statement by our accomplishment.  And it can be fun.
So guys, be proud of what you do and let people see it in all stages as you build.



--- Quote from: 88.5countach on June 21, 2017, 10:54:56 AM ---Was really good having the in process builds their you can really see many people peering into Adrian's and COOP's cars figuring out, can I do this....

--- End quote ---

Hopefully People can really see that building one of these cars is no joke! and that this is not a car that you can just take a bug chassis and engine and slap a body on it and roll! Our cars are not kit cars from the 70's Nor are they kits at all!

Was really good having the in process builds their you can really see many people peering into Adrian's and COOP's cars figuring out, can I do this....


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