How To - Tips > Doors

G28 roadster door glass.

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Murci-Me  thank you for the information.  I know it's been said before, but you are a huge asset on this forum.  Thanks again, Don

Anybody can order any type of glass they like, any shape or curvature, from Autotemp Inc in Ohio. Their website is
All you need to do is send them a template of the shape and curvature you want. The template can be 1/8" plywood, plastic, sheetmetal or whatever. It needs to be the EXACT shape you want your glass to be because this is the template they will use to cut the shape of your glass. Next, you need to give them the dimension of the curvature (in radius) you need. The curve they will need to put in the glass is called a "barrel" curve. Its called this because its like they took a hot piece of glass and laid it accross a barrel, the curve is consistent from the front (mirror track) to back (B pillar track).
After you send them your right and left glass patterns and the radius you need the glass bent to, the lead time for a new order is usually 8-12 weeks, depending on what their current work load is (orders ahead of yours).
Each piece of glass will cost roughly $80, and that is based on how many square inches the patterns are. There is a one-time set up fee (to make your moulds) of $1,000.00 (this is what they charged me 4 years ago, it may be higher now).
Crating and shipping costs $400 from them to you.
So, an opening order of 5 sets of glass (10 pieces) would cost approximately $2,200.00
Divide that amoung the 5 pairs and each pair would cost $440.00


--- Quote from: italianknightrider on September 03, 2012, 06:49:19 PM ---he could get a pair of lexan windows from Mark an send them to MM an try it that way still not sure of the final cost

--- End quote ---
That is sort of what I was thinking.  I have a pair of Marks windows.  I was thinking that I could go ahead and get them working and then use them as a pattern over a set of sebring windows to make sure that they are the right shape.  Then see if MM can hook me up with his supplier.  That is if we can get enough of us to make a group buy.


he could get a pair of lexan windows from Mark an send them to MM an try it that way still not sure of the final cost


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