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The Forum => Other Topics => Topic started by: Robert on July 03, 2014, 09:58:06 PM
Oh my freaking back. I'm on vacation this week, and my cousin and I are stripping off , and replacing the shingles on my home. It is about 1/2 done. I have had to replace a few pieces of wood, because of harsh Michigan weather. Over all the roof is in pretty good shape. Did I say this was a vacation? :LL:
You ARE using a shovel to remove the old shingles, aren't you?
I'm using a roofing spade shovel. :CSS
Sounds like a typical vacation to me!!! Went on that same vacation exactly one year ago!!!! All the umbrella drinks I could stomach!!!
Just think about how much money you saved by doing it yourself! Money that can now be spent on the ::LAMBO2
That is exactly why! ::beers I going to paint my cousins truck for his help.