Here is a post I put on kitcentral a while ago about “Why replicas cost so much. through the posts and get an idea of what you are in for when you take on building a replica. If you want the “most accurate replica” be ready for the reality.
Here is a post I put at kitcentral about the replica industry.
I am a builder of my personal Diablo. I understand about the costs.
There have been many discussions here about how expensive these cars are, especially compared to the cost of a used Diablo.
People used to take an old Fiero and attach a fiberglass replica Countach body to it. Flat windshield, plastic side windows that don't go down. Easy.
But then the Diablo came out. So it was off and running. The Fiero now had a Diablo body. Then the call was for an interior to match the Diablo. And of course you should have all the real lights and emblems. While they are at it, the suppliers should really make the angle of that body panel better, it is off by a degree or two. And make that bumper opening a little wider, it isn't perfect yet. C'mon guys get it right! It just means making the mold over, how hard is that?
Now we need to get performance, better than the old 4 cylinder or V6. Make sure the wheels and tires are as accurate as possible. On to better windshields and side glass 'cause the plastic windows and cut-down van windshield aren't good enough. And ya'know, that Fiero suspension isn't good either so let's make better parts. Even with a stretched Fiero chassis, it takes so much work to do that (and it is an old design anyway), you might as well make your own frame with better suspension and brakes. We can't all make a frame so let's buy one from someone who knows how.
More parts from the supplier 'cause we can't be expected to make them all! Now we go to an inline V8 with transaxle. YeeHaa! Better interior covering and gauges! Replica engines! NOW we're talking! These things are almost REAL!
And so is the cost.
I have been caught up in this also. I have spent an awful lot of money just for the parts to make mine look authentic. All the little things add up. Then there is the time it takes to replicate, with perfection, all the details. This is a HOBBY for those who build their own. You have to have the disposable time and money. It is not about making a cheap Diablo.
These are the most difficult replicas to build and will require a lot of time and money. You only get what you pay for.
For those who take on the task of building these cars for customers, I have a lot of respect and wonder how they can make them so inexpensive.
The building is the fun, the reward is a fantastic car.