Author Topic: Idea for future material study.  (Read 2677 times)


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Re: Idea for future material study.
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2014, 10:36:43 PM »
I meant no harm but if I insulted anyone I apologize. Would custom concept art be fair and rule abiding to post in this section?


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Re: Idea for future material study.
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2014, 10:16:36 PM »
I just cant resist, so the following is my "personal opinion", to which i believe i am entitled...
So,  you are asking us to suggest new methods for composites or other materials so that you can finish a thesis? turn the free information into proprietary? let us assist you for little or no money down?
Smart Material?  at no point do i see a suggestion of self healing or feedback systems but anyways...
the ideas you suggest have already been implemented and are hardly "New" concepts.
the possibility for the common layman to produce or even consider nano-tubes in a daily task or a methodology to promote them extends a bit further than "making a copy of a part"
this isnt to insult the intelligence or the capacities of persons on the forum but i feel you are insulting our forum with your off-the-wall request with zero input.

"Smart Material" study is your interest and as such you should make your own investigation and research and not expect others to fortify your void in space.
If you have something useful to offer or share that involves building cars then by all means lets hear it, otherwise i would feel you are fishing for self gain and not looking to assist or benefit any members here.

the end...  peace.


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Idea for future material study.
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 09:38:28 PM »
Hey guys ,just an idea here but there could some cost effective ways to achieve results for smart materials of auto manufacturing through some studying I conducted for fun here( on my blog to achieve alternate, durable ways to reproduce a lighter material than carbon fiber for cars. It could have many different uses.
           Thanks for checking out my post,