Although I am not an expert either
If you watch the "I've got a hole in my boat" series on Youtube, you can learn from an expert.
Use laminating resin for layup work. (resin without wax additive). Resin coat, cloth fiberglass, resin, chop strand, resin, gelcoat with wax.
IF you are making panels on glass (flat surface), reverse the process. wax the glass 10+ coats of wax (15 min. between coats) apply gelcoat without wax additive (gelcoat and resin comes with or without the wax additive. Resin and gelcoat will not cure when exposed to air. The wax seals the surface so that the resin/gelcoat will cure. You can layer over resin that has wax but the entire surface must be sanded) resin, cloth, resin, cloth, resin, chop strand, resin with wax (resin without wax additive will cure if sprayed with PVA [mold release agent] to seal it from the air. If you want a stronger layup, add extra layers of cloth. NO AIR POCKETS OR AIR BUBBLES. Apply with throw away brush and roller out extra resin.
Clear as mud?? Please watch the videos #1,#2, Hole in my boat.