Since most of us have jumped headlong into this fabulous hobby, a point that has come to me is that since Lamborghini has such a small manufacturing volume there is a real possibility that the parts that we need to make our replicas stand out will be high priced and harder to find as we put on the finishing touches. I started my build late on my 2001 Diablo 6.0 (bought the body in 2009). So I had already missed out on the "close to oem" replica bodies that had been in production until Audi closed them down. Now it is 2013 and I hope (I'm not a speed builder) to have my body mounted by the end of this year. Example: the door grip that I need used to sell for $40 oem now sells for $290.35. It would be good to purchase your emblems, switches, handles, lights, etc. prior to the time that you think you will need them. Jim