I read all these purchases and builds and I see "Disappointment in the Kit Condition." A word from members on this forum and the other two can shape the market, so why can't we just demand "Mildly-Sanded Kit" where all the edges are soft and all the gaps fit the grills, windows, lights, etc.? Yes- we will pay the extera $1,000 for their 32 hours of "Care put into the making of the kit" (That's a week worth of work of bettering a kit to just be suitable for the build).
And seriously, why can't they price things per item?
I mean the Murcy-2 from CKI is $4,995 for the whole thing.
Why can't they price the large kit at $2K and all other 10 exterior items at $2K? and why not price the Interior at $1k alone!
They need a legitimate menu, with legitimate products!
Why can't they sell the windsield already Edge-Shaved? Who does anyway!
Do they not know that only people who have extra money like to start such adventures - which means we are welling to spend another $2,995 on getting our kits nice and useful