Camaro80 - Please understand the reasons for concern and don't confuse it with a personal attack on your character. I assume that if you've been in the hobby for any length of time, you know that there is a very long list of people that prey on those interested in building or owning a replica.
Buyer and seller fraud occurs in the United States but it also happens in other places in the world. It's natural for buyers to become very suspicious of sellers outside their county because it's very hard or impossible to claim money sent to other countries.
As said before, find 1 buyer willing to take the risk and purchase a part from you. If the transaction goes smoothly, that buyer will post something positive on the site about you and you'll begin to earn a reputation. From there on you, you maintain your reputation by continuing to deliver quality parts to the buyers satisfaction and more will be posted about you.
So, as I've asked before, how much for a LP670 rear spoiler? Please price in US dollars and give me an estimate for shipping to zip code 45801 in the United States. If your quote is reasonable, I may consider being your first customer from the site.