I guess Im going to have to take some more pics and post them of how I did the wiring. I didnt go into alot of detail on how I excatly did it, but the wires are not near anything that would cause them to get caught up and get damaged. Swaping over to a different column would be way more trouble at this point than its worth. Having to redo all the wiring for blinkers, dim lights, hazards, ignition, ect- no thanks... If I was still building the car, yes- but not now.
I have driven cars with paddle shifter both on the column and the wheel. My wifes BWM has them on the wheel, my friends Corvette has them on the wheel. The Gallardo we rented in Vegas had them on them on the column, I just perfer to have them on the wheel. Its not like the Diablo Roadster ever came with a LS4 and paddle shifters anyway..
I have a set of Mercedes paddle shifters that I got off Ebay before the ones Im using now, but I was going to have to mount them to the column and they just didnt have the feel or look I wanted... Maybe down the road if Im not totally happy with the steering mounted paddle shifters- I can swap over to the column mount very easy...
"MANual" thats funny! But didnt you get the memo- "Old cable driven shifters with old manual clutches are out- Paddle Shift is the new MAN thing"....