Thanks for the offer, but after moving a mill by myself no matter how good of a trade I'd have to decline, simply to not have to move it again lol!
I had some caliper brackets made up at work but I'm almost positive I'll be altering them or the spindle in some way. I still need to get a phase converter for that mill so it will be a little while till I get to that!
In the mean time I'm sick of not seeing progress aesthetically, so I'm gonna try and get some of my body panels rough mounted so I can at least take them off and put them back with some repeatability! I've been upset with myself for using a Fiero and acquiring a Watson body as opposed to using the NAERC plans! So I printed them off and started comparing what I had to what they had, I decided the two best things I could take from the NAERC plans were the front bumper support and the side ladders. Here is the start of my rendition of a Fiero/NAERC hybrid thingy!
this is just the start of it, just tacked, no gussets, and whatever else, but I'm liking it so far and it's really starting to line up like it should!