First this is Bobi plans and this is Tantukka chassis .......asking some questions about a hybrid by mixing it with the CW rear cradle /lower engine bay with suspension and using the front lower basket for corvette suspension ,this would require changing the tubs main beam across bottom of lower firewall and same across the lower front ,maybe better to make the whole base CW size.
OTHERS ... any ideas ,this would be a quick way to adapt the CW suspension to get a rolling Chassis
need measurements between gas tank boxes on lower rear
slide this in between box opening ,of course remove the arms for CW gas box
now full suspension is done
adding this front basket with Corvette suspension and rear lower engine bay with custom rear suspension
front and rear suspension worked out by using a larger base tubing all the way around all the uprights would have to be shorten so the chassis hieght remains the same.
here sick / flu all week ,19 degree,s outside ,taking medicine and waking up ,every 6 hours ,eating soup finally ,i have had plenty time to play on the computer and just think about car stuff in between.
4 Speed Auto
Opinions please