Author Topic: countach curved side glass  (Read 15133 times)


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2020, 01:04:35 AM »
Well Mr Doggy Cop. :notworthy Please PM me at Thanks
Until we meet on the other side. ::zzzzz
We have a lot to talk about. My info is already posted in this blog.

Email sent. We can help you with a chassis as well if you like. ;-)


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2020, 07:22:03 PM »
Well Mr Doggy Cop. :notworthy Please PM me at Thanks
Until we meet on the other side. ::zzzzz
We have a lot to talk about. My info is already posted in this blog.
I build a LOT of other cars besides the Countach. Taught Colleges restoration, welding, drafting, metal fab, and engineering courses for 28 years. High school IA also some. Was a M.E. in Mil. Spec. industry for 9 years total too.


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2020, 03:56:42 PM »
Well let me help you there. Funny how online habits and forums change. Don and I have been working with our glass partner, and brought the project to conclusion (some time ago) and have created exact, compound curved, tempered, tinted and correctly marked Countach side (and rear - flat) glass. We know it's exact as it's a direct copy of my NOS set, and has been fitted to original cars. Try PM on here to contact me, or my parts page on FaceBook, 'Buy the Horns;. ;-) Enjoy:


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #24 on: January 31, 2020, 08:16:20 PM »
I'm still here and still wanting contacts to build original dise glass out of tempered glass. I need to work with someone who is by far trustworthy. I amthe same guy that started this thread a few years ago. I still have all of my body molds and I ues about 1/3 of the car in Aluminum on my builds.
I build a LOT of other cars besides the Countach. Taught Colleges restoration, welding, drafting, metal fab, and engineering courses for 28 years. High school IA also some. Was a M.E. in Mil. Spec. industry for 9 years total too.


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2016, 09:59:26 AM »
Mr Lambo
Because u asked
These are old and I was around 40 then.
My current car was a total. This allowed me to enter into the real exotics. Lucky I was working in a shop in Ft. Myers when it came in. They tried to straighten it on a FRAME (LOL) machine and darned near pulled it into!!! I tried to tell them this as it is only .040" DOM tubing and some of it is square. It is non std tubing made overseas. You can't find it in the USA.
My CURRENT car is a Jalpa.
I build a LOT of other cars besides the Countach. Taught Colleges restoration, welding, drafting, metal fab, and engineering courses for 28 years. High school IA also some. Was a M.E. in Mil. Spec. industry for 9 years total too.


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2016, 09:48:39 AM »
Mr Lambo,
Thank you for a REAL HONEST reply!!!
I SEE you do know the truth about the Countach replication process.
NOTHING like Carrol Shelby's first Cobra.
By the way I AM on his wall of restorers in Las Vegas. You have to restore or rebuild the ACTUAL cars on the National Registry to get there.  His car was a snap finally after all the stuff got copied. In fact Carroll used some of the stuff on a class of HIS replica designed Cobras IN HIS FACILITY!!!.You'd have to know somebody to get into the North room where those builds were happening! They WERE real Cobras as it was HIS namebrand!!! So anything built in his facility WAS the REAL Cobra.
My exdraftsman worked for the supplier in Tampa who got most of the stuff ironed out on the chassis designs in the late 80's and early 90's.
 Leave it to restorers to TRY and get it right!!!!
The Countach IS a hard build!!! You KNOW as you ARE really doing one I can tell.
I built 5 so far. Some of the guys I worked on their Sienna copies got tired of my trying to be exact and complained so we just made do to finish those. I was very unhappy with those results. BUT it made me more experienced with the poor makeshift ideas thrown into the car to make sellable copies. I visited several of those early builders car places. Mississippi, Indiana, Washington, and Arizona. Plus a few in Fla. Most were only shades of the real replica. Some were installed onto the Fierro. Some were toys on the Fierro chassis. Like the old Myers Manix Dune Buggy idea. Someone even was building cars in AFRICA????? That is what was said. I think for a while even Brazil and NO I never got to go to any of those places. Everyone was scared to death about law suits. EVEN THOUGH I HAD WORKED in industry. We copied all of the time!!!!! The design had to have 5 FIVE engineering changes to fly.
No matter how hard we try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is still NOT the REAL McCoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND it NEVER will be!
I wondered about that while McBurnne (spelling??) was doing the fight with the lawsuit on a NATIONAL level (make that THE Supreme Court!!!!). He was only ONE desenting vote from winning!!!!! It was stated that one could build anything they  wanted but you could not sell it then. So we ALL went full stop. No more copies.
FUNNY on my Model T Ford early Brass cars I copy all of the time! That's a FORD not a Maxwell or some other early make I do.
You HAVE to!!!! Your not going to FIND a genuine 1909 to 1914 original part.
 NOS (Forget it!!!)
In fact several of the REAL Cobras being restored are HAPPY to have the reproduction parts! Face it, the manufacturers should be proud that guys love their cars so much that they try to replicate them!!!! They have to MOVE on anyway onto their NEXT design and HOPE it will too be a big success.
I do restorations and you'd be amazed about the comments I hear from OTHER restorer shops about how OFF-the-MARK the copies can be.
The ONLY place I see manufacturers should definitely hold the line is for current cars coming out of their plants. Replicating cars of this nature I can see where there could a rub.
I build a LOT of other cars besides the Countach. Taught Colleges restoration, welding, drafting, metal fab, and engineering courses for 28 years. High school IA also some. Was a M.E. in Mil. Spec. industry for 9 years total too.


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2016, 07:37:02 PM »
   The first step regardless of glass type is to have the existing glass white light scanned so that a "Point Cloud" exist to program the machine for mold cutting. Any major city will have this service and it can be done while you wait, no need to travel far or part with your beloved glass. Once that is done, AM Hotrod Glass can make copies in acrylic, which Plexiglass is the common trade name. Talk to Carmen there. No Funny Car or any other serious racecar windows have ever been made from Plexiglass, they are polycarbonate, which Lexan is the common trade name. Five Star Racecar Bodies can make them from polycarbonate, talk to Phil there. If you want them safety glass, Renee and Bent Glass Design Inc. can do that. And finally, for true laminated glass, Brian at Gilchrest Glass and Bending will do that. The only reason I have spent this much time to respond to someone as rude as you is to also tell you that this info will do you no good. You have already told us that you do not have the $$$ for the mold to be made. If you do not have money for the initial steps, you will not have money for the actual glass.
And P.S., if you need a DOT certification etched into it, Nicholas at The Glass Man is the guy for that.   
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 07:42:53 PM by 76mx »

Graeme Stebbing

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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2016, 05:02:41 PM »
Hi Joe, its good to see you building Countachs, and the fact that you own a real car must make that job so much easier, I started my replica build in 1987 from measurements from a real car, and built a chassis and a few panels in alloy, but eventually gave up and bought a body shell from Countess in New Zealand, to find out 2 yrs later there was no parts or support as the owner was forced to shut down with ill health, I waited 5yrs to get wheels made by him,  and gave up waiting and bought real oem wheels from the usa. and I am still at it, I have made more progress in the last 6 months than in a long while, I am determined to succeed with my build but sometimes you wonder if you will ever see the light of day. If I won lotto my build would be finished in 6 months and I would get glass made where ever I could, but as that has not happened I just need to plod on and one day it will be built. The Countach is so hard to build with its cabin forward design, there is just no room up front to fit parts from ordinary road cars, I see you hate computers, i'm an IT guy and I hate them with a passion, but do post up some pics of your real car and the progress you are making with your replicas we can all learn something, nobody me included knows it all.
If English is not you first language that's fine i'm sure we will figure out what your saying, be it sometimes with a little confusion, but that does not matter, the aim of these replica sites is to help each other and for me that's what i'm here for. If you need help with posting pictures etc, just ask and I will try to help
Best Regards


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #19 on: April 26, 2016, 02:11:16 PM »
I guess I should know to Stay off of any forums!!!
I do not need peoples remarks who do not intend to SOLVE delimas or help with getting around road blocks.
That is NOT what this stuff (building replicas) is all about.
I don't need to lecture or stand my ground.
If you all have it all figured out then I guess what I do and have done in the last 40 years (I would have been 30 then) (dumb but thought I knew it all) means nothing to you.
All of these Countach photos ARE at least 20 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously.
I still do some on mine occasionally. They are still sitting waiting to solve those last few roadblocks I ran into.
I also own the REAL McCoy.
If you guys REALLY wanted help with the side glass then now you have a little more info and a contact.
If you just want to buzz and chat w/o SOLVING anything then I need to stay out of here and YOU need not reply.
I do NOT have the $$$ for a mold to be made nor the contacts.
I have been at this stuff a lot longer then most. I ran into block walls in my search for the perfect copy of the car.
I think I am talking to the younger set who do not know what it is to get this car CLOSE to the actual item. This is what a restorer does.
SO, I hope you find all your answers w/o my input.
I did not START this thread.
I only gave you some old information. ::beers
If you think that my 3 replicas still sitting are weird then you'd never want to know about my Porsche 911 IMSA wide body which is another still waiting after 24 years now or the 1909 sitting in my basement of my home. It is MOSTLY done now and I am searching for ONE piece (a frame part) to put it together. I found and acquired it in 1965. Seriously. Ask your friend Freddy form the old Sienna Cars.
I use to make you alls Door hinges. Deck lids, Tail light surrounds and more. But I do not like crap talk back.
As to how many CARS do I have waiting? About 25. I have more that are finished and in the stable. I have 5 first place World of Wheels on my shelf. (Hard Earned). And have sold and traded off many cars finished or under construction in my life time. I am happy about that.
The Countach was one of my hardest builds as nothing is square. It is all triangulated. Everything MUST be jigged. Very expensive to acquire correct stuff. It wasn't back in the 90's so much if you were in with the suppliers. We all had to worry about law suits from the New York lawfirm that went after everyone. Mc Burnn had a tough fight with his cars from Miami vice. Cost him a lot of money to try and fight them. But because of him you all are where you are at today. You all owe him a lot of thanks.  ::headbang
I am gonna shut up and get my behind in the shop. To much to do. If you all have never experienced YEARS of trying to do something then you are just MUCH better then I at doing things.
If this thread resonates with anyone who would like to SOLVE the final delima on this subject then you know how to reach me. ::salute
I build a LOT of other cars besides the Countach. Taught Colleges restoration, welding, drafting, metal fab, and engineering courses for 28 years. High school IA also some. Was a M.E. in Mil. Spec. industry for 9 years total too.

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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2016, 07:52:54 PM »
I'm confused, are you saying we lack knowledge and are expected to stay and wait for a reply so we can answer your questions? This is a forum not an instant messenger. If you are having issues uploading you'll simply need to make your images smaller by using an image resizer. And your car looks good keep it up!
I met a man with a dollar, we exchanged dollars and we still had a dollar. I met a man with an idea, we exchanged ideas and now we both have two ideas!!!


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2016, 07:39:28 PM »
I believe that my message still stands as is.  ::)
Thank you for the reply. ::wave
You are asking about glass on this thread..... RIGHT?
Please reread my previous remark and information S L O W L Y. ::beers
Joe in Mo.
I did reread it and now think you are referring to the glass mold. I probably would have been smart enough to get that the first time if English had been your primary language. Any machine shop like mine with CMC capabilities can easily do that, check your Thomas Registries.


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2016, 11:25:27 AM »
Ok do not know how to use Photo bucket or any other thing I have to LEARN!!!
I have done them on other Forums but I have too much stuff to fo to play with computers!!!!
Everybody who knows this computer stuff really JACKS me ____! :notworthy
Want high prices just to keep me on line.  ::scratch
tired of silly guys pushing a few buttons and letting my computer SIT there for a couple of hours while doing OTHER stuff!!!
Charging me a LOT of HARD EARNED cash for their small Knowledge compared to what WE DO! >:( >:( >:(
Ok thanks all and that last photo was duplicated sorry about that.
I meant to show the ones on my headlights.
Joe in Mo
I GOTTA get to work and off of this thing. ::salute
I build a LOT of other cars besides the Countach. Taught Colleges restoration, welding, drafting, metal fab, and engineering courses for 28 years. High school IA also some. Was a M.E. in Mil. Spec. industry for 9 years total too.


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2016, 11:11:32 AM »
Funny how ONLY 1 of 5 photos came thru???
Only the hammer form for the LP400's deck and the 5000 first design cars
try another one and then I am done for a few.
I build a LOT of other cars besides the Countach. Taught Colleges restoration, welding, drafting, metal fab, and engineering courses for 28 years. High school IA also some. Was a M.E. in Mil. Spec. industry for 9 years total too.


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2016, 11:07:57 AM »
Ok THIS time they came thru.
We are talking about correct side glass here on this thread.
Side windows must be heated to a really hot temp (?) until they become plastic.
They then must be laid onto a form that will give them the correct curvature and twist.
Original glass does BOTH. All 6 pieces!!!
This form must withstand the hot plastic temps. And NOT shock the glass before the cool down process. It also must withstand the cool down process too.
The original Sienna from the UK made windshields someplace. I have a few of those in house. Again for MY cars. (3).
They disappeared in the late 80's or early 90's.
I have visited LOF in Michigan trying to make my glass. They cannot copy something w/o approved paperwork. Ther was also a prototyping glass plant near those mfg'rs there. Needed approved paperwork. >:(
So that is where I ran aground. I even thought of doing them in the scratchproof plexiglass like they do funny cars but it ages and scratches. :'(
Someone in China could make this stuff.
But I do not have those connections and my glass will stay here locked up in one of my secret places. :sosad
Now how do we accomplish this?? ::rocker
417-300-5990  (
I build a LOT of other cars besides the Countach. Taught Colleges restoration, welding, drafting, metal fab, and engineering courses for 28 years. High school IA also some. Was a M.E. in Mil. Spec. industry for 9 years total too.


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Re: countach curved side glass
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2016, 11:02:15 AM »
This now the Third time I have tried to post this and I get shut off while trying to post photos.
Lets see if ANY of these three shots come thru?

If your pictures are too large in size then it will not allow you to post them when you do them as attachments.  If you want to post more pictures then you can use a service like photobucket and then copy and paste the link here.

By the way that Countach looks very nice!  Hopefully you can find someone to work out the deal with getting the glass reproduced.  Not having a reliable source for the glass is something that has held me back from building a Countach.  I've been wanting to buy a kit but I won't do it until there is glass available for it.