Hey guys,
I picked up a 2004 Saturn ion door a few days back at a local pick and pull. I made a cardboard template of the door glass window opening and went hunting for a few hours. I ended up finding that the Saturn glass was a very close size and shape. So I unbolted it an carried it a half mile to the front desk. Of course I didn't bring a wagon or hand truck!
Anyway 48 dollars later I had myself a nice new Saturn ion door. I only got the driver side because the passenger side was stoved in.
I got it home and started dicing it up. my plan is to use the entire window frame and trimmed down door shell and tie that into my door structure. I think the window tracks will fit, but may need an inch or so trimmed of the bottom. I think this is a nice approach because you will end up with a nice sealing and operating window without tons of fabrication and headaches. Unfortunately I cant really start mocking it up until I get going on my chassi and get my body mounted. We have to get my Dad's 71 dodge Dart done that's been taking up my whole garage for two years now, but it is finally almost done. Come spring time I plan to go full bore on the lambo
Merry Christmas guys!