Dear NSR Aventador Kit:
Didn't know where to go to post someone on this web site. So I accidentally found myself in here. Maybe you could help me, or you could find a person for me please. I was thinking about all this 3D metal printing going on, they are building a bridge in Holland with a 3D printer and I thought why not build all the parts for a car? I am looking to see if they have a 3D metal printer large enough to make full scale auto parts, i.e.. the frame, framing, and the body panels to print out a car, then sand it down and then put it together. A real car made out of real metal like titanium. A Lambo made out of titanium instead of fiberglass! It wouldn't rust and would last way longer than fiberglass. Also make the engine parts as well!
Well there you have it maybe you can help and if you do well I am coming into some cash soon by 2016 and would buy the 3D printer and all the titanium oxide or powder that bonds together and remakes it self into titanium sheets. I guess the only thing you would need to buy would be the glass for the windshield windows and rear window. The fun thing is if there is a 3D printer large enough to do the job you can more than likely alter the design to be specifically your design or whomever is doing the building of the car! Been thinking about that for a while. I heard somewhere that Ford at an Auto show used a 3D printer to make a Cobra and it came out looking boss!
My name is Stephan Gerard and I live in Newry, PA and my telephone is 814-696-3651 or cell is 814-889-9215 hope to hear from you soon!
I am Respectfully:
Stephan Gerard Janosik.