Next time, here is something to think about. When I got my first real store bought racecar hauler, I was more proud of the eight ply actual trailer tires. No more 'Maypop Brand" like I had been using. About 10,000 miles in, one of them separated like trailer tires do. They will separate before they ever wear out because of the sharp radius that two axles that close together makes them drag across. I figured I had nothing to loose so I took it to Discount Tire to see about a warranty on the Goodyear tire. They told me that it had 75% tread left and they would replace it for $50. Then they asked me if I wanted the extended warranty. Before I could answer, they volunteered that if I took it, they would not know which trailer tire was replaced and it would cover all of them. Past experience told me that the other three were not far behind so I took it. Then in the next few thousand miles, when the other three did separate, that $25 warranty bought me the other three trailer tires.