Cc: Why do you condemn all of us on this forum? when you have received very positive help with your problem replica? I don't know why you chose to initiate three different posts on the same topic. Usually one post will get you on the right road to driving your replica again. You must realize that a "replica" is NOT a kit car. Each of us that have built or are building a replica have hundreds of "custom" built parts in them. There are no two replicas alike. They may appear to be the same but they are not. When a part fails and you need help in the repair, many times it will end up with you, the owner, to think of a plan for the repair. We may not understand your verbal explanation of your problem or the lack of quality pictures of the problem part in order to give you a repair remedy but we try.
To those of you who
HAVE been helpful, I apologize, but to
anyone reading these posts, the vitriol and nonsense couldn't be more obvious.
I posted a few different times, when failing to get any Info, or answers, hoping I might finally encounter someone with some mechanical knowledge (I'd still like to know how these guys replace a CV joint without rebuilding it, or replacing the axle!). I'd also like to know who it is holding a gun to these people's head, forcing them to read my posts and get so upset?
I have built four "Replicars". All but one, VW Type 1 based. My knowledge of Fieros is nonexistent, and I apologize for that.
I still contend that there are more on here either looking for an argument, or trying to prove how smart they are, than there are those helpful and supportive to newbies, which really reflects bad on the site.