Author Topic: Reventon build  (Read 49772 times)


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #107 on: May 26, 2014, 11:57:26 AM »
Some pics. Doubt these will help many people, but I'm surprised at the things people have asked me so I'll take more progress pics to show how I did things.

I made a template out of cardboard for a filler panel that goes in front of the factory dash.
Filler panel cut out of fiberglass from the template.
It's hard to see but the third pic is of some little plates I welded onto the underside of the windshield frame. They will hold up the filler panel to be nice and tight to the windshield so there isn't a big ugly gap.


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #106 on: May 24, 2014, 10:32:17 PM »
Haha, yeah I am really bad for losing some stuff. My cell phone is a big one, my wife has to call it at least once a day for me to find it. Tools I've always been pretty good about putting back. I worked in a shop for about 5 years and when you work flat rate looking for tools makes you feel stupid.

I bought a windshield and have made the frame for it. It's welded onto the car and I have a bit more tweaking to do and then I'll be attaching the windshield. First, I made a huge sheet of thin fiberglass so I can create filler panels for all the areas that need it that are going to be hard to work in once the windshield is on. I also had to relocate the windshield wiper motor. I'm using the one off the MR2 just for convenience for now. Maybe I'll go to a single down the road but for a roadworthy-ness inspection it just needs to wipe the glass.

Hopefully I'll have a pic of my windshield on, doors, and the three "lids" soon. All three lids took a lot of trimming but they are coming along. I'll be painting them black and wrapping them in one layer of carbon fiber. The doors I've also completely redesigned the shocks to be more OEM, and quite frankly it just works better than the way I had it.

I hated accounting going in as well. Financial was my worst class in my bachelor's. I found the one in the MBA to be very interesting though. We did a lot of "accounting decision making" so things like skirting the leasing rules to keep assets off books, goodwill adjustments, etc. Revenue recognition is particularly interesting to me now, though not enough to become an accountant.


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #105 on: April 23, 2014, 09:35:27 AM »
I got my last assignment done so the car came down and I have the other door almost done. Took me about an hour to figure out what I was even doing and where I put stuff.

I hope to get a windshield this week and start tying up loose ends. With any luck I'll be on to the bodywork soon then paint.

Congratulations on finishing! I was going to get my MBA and realized I had to take a couple accounting classes. F-that noise! I agree with what Autopro said. If I need something after it has been a while, I look at the floor. If it is not laying there, and often times it is not thanks to my tidy spouse, I am pretty much up a creek!
Kind Regards,



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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #104 on: April 22, 2014, 09:10:14 AM »
It only took you an hour after so long?  Man I can put down a screw driver and not find it for an hour even though I swear I just put it down beside me LOL.

Glad that you are back at it.


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #103 on: April 22, 2014, 01:25:14 AM »
I got my last assignment done so the car came down and I have the other door almost done. Took me about an hour to figure out what I was even doing and where I put stuff.

I hope to get a windshield this week and start tying up loose ends. With any luck I'll be on to the bodywork soon then paint.


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #102 on: November 18, 2013, 09:02:24 PM »
Miss seeing your progress and well said. Good luck


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #101 on: November 18, 2013, 08:28:19 PM »
I haven't been on in quite a while and I had some questions in my inbox that it's easier for me to address en mass. Sorry for those that wanted a personal message back, I just don't have time because most of these answers are just in my thread.

1. Is that a cki rev kit? Yes, as mentioned a couple times. I bought it in late 2012 I think. It is nice and sturdy so I'd say the quality is decent, it just isn't very accurate to OEM. Rockers and rocker/rear brake vents need to be redone, doors are a disaster, and various little things are wrong. If you want to just build a car for fun like I did it's fine. If you want very accurate, you won't be happy.

2. Why am I not updating?  I'm in an MBA program. I don't sleep let alone work on the car. I will get back to it next spring I hope.

3. Where do you start with a build? Read other people's diaries, read my diary (disorganized as it is), and be flexible. Honestly if you have to ask "what do I do" you probably will not finish. There are lots of ideas on this forum and it has been invaluable to me, but you will have to solve problems as you go.

Hope that helps.

Quick note to people that have helped me along the way - thank you. I hope to impress you when I finish. I'll be back  ::thumbup


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #100 on: October 07, 2013, 12:32:58 PM »
Hey great work so far... Is that a cki Reventon kit your using ? If so how is it I'm thinking of getting one. Thanks!


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #99 on: August 06, 2013, 05:30:57 PM »
yeah, I never would have thought of this being the problem. Thank you for the heads up and I'll give that a go.

I might try using clay or something malleable as I would make a plastic shim with the mold, as long as it doesn't distort too much upon opening the door again. We'll see.

Again, thanks for the help  ::beers


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #98 on: July 29, 2013, 09:54:38 AM »
Good info on the latch, this needs to be posted in a "how to section"


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #97 on: July 28, 2013, 11:27:39 PM »
The reason why you have to slam the door is b/c you need to fabricate a shim to sit between the striker and body where it is mounted. Mine had same issue. This shim is wedge shaped and here is how to make it.

This was what Murci-me had helped me with except he used maybe a clay to make a the shape, then used fiberglass to make mould and had a fab shop make one out of metal if memory serves correct. However, I am just using the quick steel stick you can buy from any auto store and it works just fine so far.

Take the striker off and put on the latch fully engaged with the door open. Then take some clear tape and mask approx where the striker will mount on the fiberglass body. Also mask the backside of the striker while it is on the latch. Then take some jb weld stick or quick steel stick that you can buy from any autozone or oreillys and mix it up ( about half a stick) and blob it on the masked portion on the backside of the striker while it is on the latch.  While the jb stick is still soft and maliable close the door fully and hold and get a good shape. It will be wedge shaped thus giving you the appropriate angle on the striker so the latch will travel straight down into the striker now. Wait till jb stick hardens and now you have the proper piece. You can use this as it is after you clean up the edges or you can have a custom piece fabbed for you. Drill out the holes and mount it between striker and door jamb. Now your door will close easier.

Also, you can use that steel stick weld they sell at autozone or oriellys.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 06:14:48 PM by notnilc20 »


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #96 on: July 27, 2013, 11:41:24 PM »
First - Shot from the inside of the car showing a brace I made quickly to support the front of the wheel well/brake vent area. My kit seems to be a little twisted so I needed to make one on each side to make the kit sit symmetrical.

Second - showing a brace for the latch. This eliminates vibration on the kit from slamming the door, and stress on the kit. for one piece of flat metal and a tube I would highly recommend it. However, it might be the only piece I need to cut to get the kit off. Worth it though.

Third - door skin finally going on. I glued the top for now, I'll let that set, then I'll glue the bottom. Like everything else, door is a little twisted so going top to bottom will let me get it perfect.


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #95 on: July 27, 2013, 11:34:23 PM »
Wow it's been a long time since I put up a pic. Been super busy and working on the car very little, hour here and there. I finally got a few solid hours in and almost finished one door so I took some pics and thought I'd post.

First pic is just showing all my bare metal primed, and I used a half inch thick foam mat (it's actually mechanic's kneeling mat) with 3M two sided foam tape as a cushion for the kit. Will eliminate noise from any vibration.

Second - door in the upright position. Gas shock took some messing around to get right but it works now.

Third - door down. Latch works well, but I feel I need to slam it to get it to catch fully.


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #94 on: July 17, 2013, 05:48:53 PM »
One door frame made and installed along with latch and striker. Just need to put the door skin on it and do the other side.

Kit is bolted down now too. Fully removable but very secure. I think I went overboard with my supports but I'm happy I did. Kit is going nowhere.


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Re: Reventon build
« Reply #93 on: July 09, 2013, 12:09:35 AM »
 ::headbang awesome can't wait to see it running around - you're doing the right thing... get the detail wor later - I'm also glad you've chosen HID's that's what I have everything HID and LED except oem tail lights.
