And unless they share a shop with GMC in Monterrey, Mexico and the common videos with Superreplicas are a coincidence, this is the biggest scam of all Superreplicas again. The factory location that they give on their website is the GMC assembly plant for 3500 dual rear wheel trucks. The problem with asking how much a build costs is that you have not yet defined your product well enough. Do you want the $2,000 wheels or the $10,000 ones? Do you want the 450HP $4,000 engine or the 650HP $15,000 one? Do you want a stereo? The $200 one or the $2,000 one? Are you building it yourself or will you pay $20,000-$40,000+ to have it done. Just these four things alone make a $40,000-$60,000+ difference in the price of your car.