I can't decide. Are there any more photos?
OK..... Look real carefully at the tail pipes. So you think they are factory or modified tail pipes on the rear end. Do you think they can really get a high pitch note when "REVVING" and "GRINDING" ... Would you think the front intake might have been modified to allow such an awesome rear end exhaust. Do you think there are modified dual turbo's on top all pumped up and perky fueling the uhmmmph to the engine and driving the machine "ROCK HARD" sliding in and out and in and out and in and out of every curve.
Gosh I would love to drive these babies..... Imagine Driving this beautiful curvy heavenly baby on all her 4 hugging every curve (uhmmm uhhhh ummmm) O man and the color... orange with pink and red in the sunlight, one can just lick it all up..... and finely trimmed landing strip above the exhaust pipe.... And those eyes uhmmm headlights they are just marvelous..... the curves o the curves for the airflow........ GOSH..... back to the tail pipe uhmmm ummmm well uhmmm ok nevermind....