I saw your car at the goodguys show. It looked and sounded very nice. I went there thinking that there might be some kitcars there. I like all types of modified, customized, restored cars, but it is nearly all just older hotrods up here which I am also fond of. My Murci which attracts tons of attention (a woman even yelled out asking me if I was married while at a stop light yesterday) is treated like a bastard child up here. When I see a really nice hot rod and give them a wave, nearly all of them snub me and won't even acknowledge that they see me. Yours was the only kit car there and you had it out in the parking lot. I know that there are some crappy kit cars out there and mine is not an immaculate show car. It's a work in progress that I drive and enjoy, but why the disrespect from the other car guys. There are lots of hotrods out there with fibreglass replica bodies and though they are in a different class than the steel bodied cars they still get respect from other car guys