Tusabes is right as a few things are different, although I really don’t know about most replicas – I only drove one other replica besides mine.
My car now has a 12" wider track and 10" longer wheel base; it’s like having a wide ford mustang-length car with a rear mounted engine. The MR2 is a sport-spirited car and my car still feels like that. You want to be attentive to how you drive for a while until you get used to the new vehicle format and feel fully in control. Your turning radius increases and you probably can't turn the wheels to the extreme that they used to turn - but that's not a big deal unless you're into U-turns a lot.
I chose the 95 MR2 because it offers a wide selection essential driving and comfort amenities; it has native power steering, tilt wheel, abs brakes, AC, cruise control, power brakes, and wide range of available adjustable coil overs in addition to after-market sliding seats brackets. All electronics & systems work on the fully functional cluster, and all my native buttons work for lighting, windshield wiper, etc. the same as before. I am updating the cluster with LED light and a newer speedometer/gauges plate. All these combined should give comfort and control close to your regular modern vehicle...
Then for that kind of investment I want to use my car year-long so I have a windshield wiper. If you choose a roadster then you may want more - which is also what I am doing. This week I am making a sturdy driving removable soft top (I made a thread for that here last week), and once I’m done with that I will add removable door windows that plug-in in seconds via fasteners.
Hopefully my story helps you in your journey