I think every once in a while everyone needs a little "reality check".
The cost of a replica starts to come close to a real (used) Lambo.
It starts out innocently enough, "Just one more thing to make mine just like a real one".
And it continues...
Does anyone here actually think having replica brake air ducts will even be noticed?
If that is what you want, I am not criticizing, I'm just saying this borders on OCD (Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder).
I should know, I have been through a lot in the many years I have been building. I have spent good money on frivolous nonsense such as emblems and scripts and instruments with Lambo bulls. None of this has anything to do with building a custom car.
It is nice to see a good-looking car, like a Lambo. That is why so many of us want to build one. Do we HAVE to have every detail identical to a real one? I have seen some custom builds with their own design body and they don't look good. Designing a car that looks good is hard. Sometimes it doesn't turn out well. The Lambo body is a good start but make it your own, make it custom. After all, eventually everyone knows it isn't a real Lambo. SO WHAT? It is a custom-built creation that YOU built. If you expect anything else, go buy a fake Rolex. Skip some of the costly details. Make it YOUR build and be proud of it. It is something to be proud of.